"Revenge" Season 4, Episode 6, titled "Damage," airs this Sunday, Nov. 2, on ABC. Nolan Ross (Gabriel Mann) and David Clarke (James Tupper) are in the centre of this week's synopsis. The two are going to make a public statement that Victoria Grayson (Madeleine Stowe) might not like. Meanwhile, Emily Thorne (Emily VanCamp) is worried for her sister Charlotte (Christa B. Allen).
David Clarke gives Nolan Ross a hug in Revenge Season 4, Episode 3. They talk about Amanda Clarke, but Nolan decides not to tell him the truth just yet. Emily herself thinks it is best for David to settle in the Hamptons first before they unravel the real story to her father.
"David and Nolan reunite in a very public way," says the Revenge 4x3 synopsis on TV.com. This "public" reunion could only mean bad news for Victoria, who is slowly losing control over the one man who could save her from herself this season.
It is good to know that David and Nolan will have more scenes together, but it will be difficult (at least for some fans) to see Nolan hide the truth from David any longer. Nolan has always been Emily's "conscience," the hide-nothing brother to David's daughter. How could he resist every chance he gets at telling David his daughter is alive?
In a sneak peek video of Revenge Season 4, Episode 6, Nolan is convinced gets that David is suffering from PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). Perhaps this is enough for him to rein in any desire for truth announcements.
Emily, meanwhile, is not convinced that David Clarke has told the public the whole story behind his re-emergence. Emily may find some answers in Revenge Season 4, Episode 6. If she finds out that David killed Conrad, would she stop believing that her father is "damaged?"
Perhaps the real "damaged" character in Revenge Season 4 is Charlotte Clarke -- David's younger daughter, Emily's sister, to whom she has confessed her real identity. Charlotte gets kidnapped again in the final act of Episode 5. She does not know it yet, but a dangerous man is taking her home.
"Emily grows concerned about Charlotte, fearing she won't be able to climb out of the dark place she's landed," the Revenge 4x6 episode synopsis further points out. What would Emily do to get Charlotte into the light?
David Clarke gives Nolan Ross a hug in Revenge Season 4, Episode 3. They talk about Amanda Clarke, but Nolan decides not to tell him the truth just yet. Emily herself thinks it is best for David to settle in the Hamptons first before they unravel the real story to her father.
"David and Nolan reunite in a very public way," says the Revenge 4x3 synopsis on TV.com. This "public" reunion could only mean bad news for Victoria, who is slowly losing control over the one man who could save her from herself this season.
It is good to know that David and Nolan will have more scenes together, but it will be difficult (at least for some fans) to see Nolan hide the truth from David any longer. Nolan has always been Emily's "conscience," the hide-nothing brother to David's daughter. How could he resist every chance he gets at telling David his daughter is alive?
In a sneak peek video of Revenge Season 4, Episode 6, Nolan is convinced gets that David is suffering from PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). Perhaps this is enough for him to rein in any desire for truth announcements.
Emily, meanwhile, is not convinced that David Clarke has told the public the whole story behind his re-emergence. Emily may find some answers in Revenge Season 4, Episode 6. If she finds out that David killed Conrad, would she stop believing that her father is "damaged?"
Perhaps the real "damaged" character in Revenge Season 4 is Charlotte Clarke -- David's younger daughter, Emily's sister, to whom she has confessed her real identity. Charlotte gets kidnapped again in the final act of Episode 5. She does not know it yet, but a dangerous man is taking her home.
"Emily grows concerned about Charlotte, fearing she won't be able to climb out of the dark place she's landed," the Revenge 4x6 episode synopsis further points out. What would Emily do to get Charlotte into the light?