Stalker Season 1 Episode 4 Phobia

Tonight on CBS Stalker starring Dylan McDermott continues with an all new Wednesday October 15, season 1 episode 3 called, “Manhunt.” On tonight’s episode Jack and Beth investigate when a sniper shoots a bride during her wedding ceremony.

On the last episode, Jack and the Threat Assessment Unit (TAU) investigated after a teenaged girl had a stalker break into her house, but quickly realized that she was not the one being targeted. Meanwhile, Perry payed Beth an unsolicited visit at work. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.
On tonight’s episode when a bride is shot by a sniper during her wedding ceremony, Jack and Beth are called in to determine if her stalker has come back to haunt her
This is definitely one series that you don’t want to miss. Don’t forget to stay tuned to Celeb Dirty Laundry where we will be live blogging every episode of Stalker.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!
There’s a wedding going on. The bride’s dad walks her down the aisle and hands her off to her wife to be. They are a lovely lesbian couple ready to tie the knot. Suddenly, the bride with the dad is shot. Her dad holds her and calls to her – his daughter was Cara. The sniper watches through the scope at what they have done. Beth shows up at the crime scene. She tells Jack that Cara was the daughter of a cop. Trent, another cop, shows up and tells her that Cara is in surgery.
He tells Jack the shot came from a rooftop across the street and Jack says that’s not an easy shot. Beth explains that Jack is new to TAU. He says they found a sniper nest complete with mesh like the military use. He says the guy avoided cameras and promises Beth all the assistance she needs. Trent leaves and Jeff asks what his deal was but Beth says it’s him and he gives a bad first impression.

Beth says they have an APB out on Cara’s ex, Paul Watson, a guy who didn’t take kindly to her dumping him to date women. Beth comes to the hospital and Jimmy, her dad, tells Beth she was supposed to protect her. He says he saw Paul there a couple of hours before the ceremony in front of the hotel. She says to let her do her job and she asks if there is someone else to look out.

Jack asks the other bride to be if they had run ins with any other people. She says Cara thought she was being followed a couple of weeks ago but didn’t see anyone. She says they didn’t want to believe it and thought it was all behind her. Jimmy walks away annoyed. Jack watches video of Paul being interviewed. He says he knows she wasn’t gay, says she liked having sex with her and admits that he liked that their sex tape was online so his fellow football players could see he was giving it to her right.

Cara is then interviewed talking about him stalking her. Paul says she doesn’t get to lie to him and play with him like that. Cara says that Paul wants to kill her. This is all video from her prior stalker case. Janice comes in and says they received Cara’s stalker diary from her apartment including entries about her being watched recently. Ben says they found Paul’s laptop and knew he was looking at Cara’s wedding announcement online.

Ben says Paul was a howler – he wanted attention, but no history of violence. Jack reminds Ben that Paul was seen at the wedding and Ben gets annoyed thinking Jack is saying his profile is wrong. Ben says this doesn’t add up. Jack says that kind of shot indicates training and precision and Paul has no military history. Janice says Paul may be near an airport hotel in a car with bad plates. They head out to see if it’s him.

They roll up on the room and Beth kicks the door in. The guy tries to run and drops himself out of a window. Jack follows and Beth goes back down the stairs. Jack chases him down an alley and then Beth nabs him when he tries to jump a fence. He says he didn’t do it and she asks why he’s running – he gets squirrely again and Jack punches Paul in the face to subdue him.

Back at the unit, they have Paul in the interview room and he says he doesn’t need a lawyer. DA Amanda Taylor steps into the interview and he says again he doesn’t need a lawyer. Amanda speaks into the mic and says he understands his Miranda rights by law then she leaves. He admits he was at the hotel but it was hours before the wedding. He says when he heard Cara had been shot, he knew Jimmy would come after him.

Beth asks why he didn’t come to her and he says she wouldn’t have believed him. They found a rifle in his hotel room and he says it was for protection but it hadn’t been fired recently and there was no gun residue on him. Paul says he got therapy like they recommended and says it helped. He says he wanted to tell Beth he wished her well and Jack reminds him that he violated his restraining order. Janice says he’s not showing signs of a typical vengeful stalker.
He says Jimmy chased him away before he could talk to Cara and says again that he didn’t shoot her. Amanda says she can build a circumstantial case against Paul. Jack says he doesn’t think he did it and Beth agrees. She says they are looking for the opposite of Paul. Amanda asks who that is and Jack says male mid 30s, military background, calm with a lot of feelings he keeps covered. Jack says he doesn’t think the guy is done.

We see a guy creeping up to a house. A kid is playing with toys when his mom comes in and tells him he didn’t finish his dinner and asks if he’s hungry. She comes back and doesn’t see the guy creeping upstairs in her house. She calls out to her son that he didn’t clean his room. She goes to her room and snaps on the lamp. The guy is in her closet lurking and watching. He has a knife in his hand.

The woman starts for the closet but then her son calls her downstairs. The guy was ready to lunge for her but then she walks out. He toys with the blade of his knife and bides his time. Jack talks to Trent at the office. Trent asks Jack how he got the spot and says TAU is an elite unit and that 300 applicants wanted the job. Trent asks if he was a favor that someone owned someone else. Jack tells him to ask Beth and he says he will.

Janice tells Beth that the bullet isn’t a match for Paul’s rifle but matches a gang member shot in the morning before the wedding. The woman tells her son that it’s time for bed and her son puts up his toys. She says that Daddy will be home any minute. The guy with the knife sits in the closet still and checks his watch. Janice has the gang member’s GF in an office and they want to talk to her about who shot her BG Jessie.

The girl says she straight up doesn’t know and Janice tells Tiny, the girl, that after a hard day at work she enjoys a drink. She tells her she knows her probation officer and mentions the track marks on her arms. Tiny calls her a bitch and Janice tells her to sit back down. Tiny insists she doesn’t know who shot her BF but says that Jessie said he thought someone had been in their apartment. She says he thought he was being paranoid but says since he was in a gang, he’s been followed, mark and had his ass whipped many times.

Janice shows her Paul’s photo and she doesn’t know him. She shows her Cara’s photo but she doesn’t know her. She says Jessie mentioned a cop named Jimmy Lambert. Janice says Jimmy used Jessie as a CI and they were actually friends. She says Jimmy checked on him and they had an odd father-son relationship. They find Jimmy and tell him that Jessie is dead by the same gun that shot Cara.

Jack asks for a list of family and friends that could be at risk. They ask where Frank is (Jimmy’s BFF) and try to call him but it goes to voice mail. They send uniforms to check his house. Frank comes home and gives his wife a hug and a kiss. He tells her Jimmy is a wreck and Cara isn’t out of the woods yet. She offers to make him food and tells him to go shower. He says he turned his phone off in ICU and forgot to turn it back on.

He goes upstairs and starts to undress. He sits on the bed in direct line of sight of the closet. The guy starts to open the door but Frank hears the creak and he stops. His son comes in and tackles him and Frank offers him a piggy back ride. They leave the room and the stalker is still waiting in the closet. Beth and her team show up and knock on the door. The wife lets them in and she asks who’s at home with her. She says Frank and her son and they ask her to step out.
Frank and his son come down and they point them outside as well. Jack sneaks up the hallway and checks the bathroom. No one. He opens the closet but no one is there either. The stalker gets the drop on Jack and slashes him. Beth comes in. Jack says he was here. Beth calls out that the guy is running and then tells Jack he’s bleeding. He says he’s fine and she helps him up.

Back at TAU, Jack says he was wiry, strong, fast but he didn’t get a look at him. They ask Jimmy who it could be and Jack says to think ex-military. Two guys he listed have been checked out and have alibis. Jimmy says he keeps list of credible threats. There’s a photo of he and Jessie at the midtown youth event. There’s another photo of him and Cara. Jack looks odd and Jack says where he’s sitting he can see all the photos.

Jack asks who sits there and he says not perps – people who work at him. Jack says it’s someone who works for him that Jimmy reprimanded and made feel small. Jimmy says a lot of his guys are ex-military. He says – Silas Martin – former Special Forces sharpshooter that he fired two years ago. Jimmy says Silas killed a teen in a parking lot and said the kid had a gun but no one found out. He says he dug into his records and found out the guy was unstable.

Jimmy says his hearing went on and on but says the guy never said much during the process. Beth calls it in and they send them an address in Van Nuys. Ben says there is mail piled up by the door so they don’t think he’s been there in days. Janice says they’ll like his taste in wallpaper and we see a whole revenge wall of who he’s plotting to kill to hurt Jimmy.

Jack noticed that there is all the paperwork on the shooting that got him fired and diagrams of the event. Jack says it looks like he stopped taking meds. Beth says he’s more of a resentful stalker and she says he had to escalate to regain some power and control. Janice calls them in and we see some cases SID unlocked. There are tons of bullets, automatic weapons and more. They think he was getting ready to go to war.

Jack says Silas was fixated on the people in the photos in Jimmy’s office. Beth says it looks like he’s been planning this for six months. Ben comes up and shows them a video featuring Silas. He says Jimmy dirtied his name and reputation. He says he sat through lies at his hearings. He says he trusted the system but Jimmy betrayed his faith. It’s his manifesto that he recorded. He says Jimmy has made him what he’s begun.

Silas says he may not survive but in his final act, he will reveal what a liar Jimmy is. He says he will have his justice and the truth will prevail. Jimmy is with Cara at the hospital and they worry that’s where Silas is. Sure enough, we see him lurking in a room off of an OR. A doctor comes in with xrays and the lights switch off. He chokes the doctor and then steals his badge and scrubs. He heads out into the hospital.

Terry, Cara’s fiancee, offers Jimmy coffee and he tells her that it’s not his fault and she doesn’t owe him any apologies. Silas walks up and Terry almost spills coffee on him. She apologizes and he says don’t worry and walks on. Jimmy sits in the chapel when Silas comes in. He walks up the pews and sits down behind his former boss. He grabs him and injects something into his neck. Jimmy goes limp.

Beth shows up to the hospital with uniforms to protect Cara. They ask where Jimmy is and Terry says she saw him going down a hall about 20 minutes ago. They head out to search for him. Beth goes into the chapel and Jimmy isn’t there anymore. Jack searches room by room down the hall. He looks around as he pushes doors open and works his way down the hall.

We see Silas putting medical tape over a window to obscure the view. He’s in an OR and has Jimmy restrained. He slaps Jimmy and tells him to wake up. Jimmy asks why he’s doing this and Silas says he knows why and says his lies have come home to roost. Silas tells him he needs to hear the truth. He says he knows that kid had a gun. Jack and the unis are advancing down the hall.

Jimmy is still groggy from the drugs and Silas asks him what he did with the gun. Jimmy says there was no gun and says they looked. Silas says he saw the gun. Jimmy asks if his daughter had a gun. Silas says it’s his fault. Jack finds them and tells Silas he’s got a gun on him and tells him to put his hands up. He turns but then comes for Jack who doesn’t blink, he just puts a bullet in him.

Jack checks on Jimmy then calls Beth. He says he’s in OR 6 with Silas and Jimmy and says they need help. He turns and Silas is back on his feet. They struggle for the gun – Jack’s in pain because Silas but his gun arm. Jack centers the gun and shoots the guy again. He goes down again. Beth shows up as Jack kicks the guy over onto his back to make sure he’s really down.

Jimmy and Terry are in with Cara. They tell Jack and Beth that they have induced a coma in Cara to wait for her brain swelling to go down. They reassure Jimmy that it’s not his fault. He says when Cara wakes up, they have to have a wedding and hugs his daughter’s fiancee. Janice tells Jack it was a nice job and says good night. Jack offers a compliment to Ben who gets snippy with him.

Jack snags Amanda and she says he shouldn’t have followed them there. He asks about their son and she tells him again to leave LA or she’ll force his hand. She says he’s seven years too late to be asking. Beth sees a little of this exchange then asks Jack if there’s something she needs to know about him and Amanda. He says it’s just that bad first impression he makes. She tells him to fix it so it doesn’t ruin the unit.

He asks if she wants to get food and she says no then tells him the answer will always be know. He says he know she hates him because he wasn’t her first choice and he was forced on her. He says he knows she had 300 applicants. She says 372 and he wasn’t even in the top 20. Beth says it’s a good thing he doesn’t suck and he asks if she thinks he’s doing a good job. She tells him good night and leaves.

Jack lurks outside Amanda’s house and watches her and his son. He stand right outside the window like a full on stalker. Amanda flips the light off then back on and tells Trent she saw someone outside. Jack is shocked that she’s sleeping with the cop. He takes off and hides as Trent grabs his gun and comes outside. Trent looks around and says – I don’t see anyone honey. Amanda looks around for herself then heads back inside. Jack peeks out from behind the shrub he’s hiding behind looking all creepy.