Doctor Who (2005) Season 8 Episode 10 In the Forest of the Night

When “Doctor Who” airs its next new episode on BBC Saturday, it is going to be one that really pushes the envelope, and brings in a very different dimension than anything that we’ve seen on the series so far.

After all, how often is it that you see a story that is really all about London being turned into a gigantic forest? This is the premise behind the imaginative “In the Forest of the Night,” which has the challenge of coming after the pretty fantastic “Flatline” last week. The series has had an almost-bizarre habit of being extremely hit or miss this time around. There are episodes that are extremely entertaining, but also ones that fail to really make a whole lot of sense.

Ultimately, the challenge in discussing this particular preview is that it does not even try to give you much when it comes to the characters, or how the story will unfold. It mostly just reinforces the premise, which many of you may have either seen or heard about already.

The real thing that we are just as interested in seeing is how the show manages to build momentum over the next couple of weeks, given that the story really is building towards a big finale that will in turn set up the annual Christmas Special. Given that this show typically relies more on stories-of-the-week than anything serialized, it’s a little harder to build momentum from one particular episode to the next.

What do you think about this particular “Doctor Who” preview? Share some of your thoughts right now with a comment, and head over here to preview the episode further right now! You can also sign up right now to get some further TV updates transmitted right over to you via our official CarterMatt Newsletter.