Faking It Season 2 Episode 5 Present Tense

So far throughout “Faking It,” Amy’s mother has not exactly been the best person to go to for emotional support or advice. She is often snide, has tunnel-vision when it comes to her views, and seems focused mostly on her own business.

Through it all, though, we do get a sense that just like Jenna’s mom on “Awkward,” she does care about her child. She just has a difficult time showing it most of the time.

the latest example of that comes in the sneak peek below, which happens after Amy and Karma have a nuclear fight that ruins a plan that they two had in place. Amy lays out the situation clear to her mom, at least in that she loves Karma, even though she does not love her back in the same way.

So as for the sage advice? We’ll just let you see that in the preview, but we’ll say that there may be a nugget or two of something good in here once you get past some of the superficial silliness.

The thing we wonder for now is that even if Amy does start to get over Karma in the near future, is this attraction ever going to go away for her? We doubt it. It is the very premise of the series, and if you drift too far away from that, you do run the risk of some angry fan revolts. The writers are smarter than that. Their challenge is to find a way to keep evolving these two main characters in a way that feels organic.

If you want to preview further the next new episode of “Faking It,” you can do so right now over at the link here. Also, be sure to sign up if you want to have some further TV updates sent right to you courtesy of our CarterMatt Newsletter.